“Silverback” Gorilla sculpture, still some work to do on this big guy but I’m almost there
The Monarch Stag.

Working on this piece at the moment, The Monarch Stag, just sculpting the head and working on the wire mesh body at the same time, hopefully finished by the end of January.
“Ready To Run” Cheetah sculpture.

“Ready To Run” Is a sculpture of a cheetah stalking, ready for that burst of speed.
“Sisterly Coalition” A pair of running Cheetahs

Working on this pair of running Cheetahs at the moment.
The Eagle Has Landed, update.

Working on this Bald Eagle landing, wire mesh frame with sculpted fiberglass.
Eagle bust
This is a piece I’m working on at the moment, its an eagle bust and I hope to have it cast next week, fingers crossed, I got a bit of inspiration from some old pic’s I had and watching spring watch on the beeb, so it’s back to the clay now, cheers M.