Working on my version of the death of Cúchulainn. Getting there, cheers for now.
Seasons, (Spirits of the forest)

Working on this piece in the spirits of the forest series, Seasons, showing the four seasons in a facial form combined within a tree, once again the use of mythology gives such a range of imaginings, hope to have cast by next week, cheers for now.
(Spirit of the forest) Holly and Ivy.

Still working on this piece as part of the Spirit of the forest series, this one is Holly and Ivy, two female’s embracing as with the nature of holly and ivy in the forest being intertwined, mythology allows you to use such a wide range of imaginings, hopefully finished soon, cheers for now.
Another one as part of (Spirit of the forest)

Working on this piece at the moment as part of the (Spirit of the forest) series, I have the title in mind and will share when I am a bit further on, its two female bodies embracing, all shall be come clear soon, cheers for now.
Flora. (Spirits of the forest)
This is the second sculpt in a series, Flora, (Spirits of the forest) and I hope to add more in the coming months, we can delve into our childhood stories of spirits and this gives you a wide and varied choice to work on, yippi.
Wood Nymph, (Spirits of the forest)
A series of sculpts I’m working on with Mythology in mind, spirits of the forest and the first one is the Wood Nymph.
Celtic Warrior

Working on this at the moment and hope to have it cast by next week, keeping with Irish mythology this will be a Celtic Warrior with a possible companion, not sure yet, cheers for now
Celtic Female Warrior

Still working on the rider for a horse I worked on last week, a Celtic female Warrior, I’m also trying to finish off my Violinist and casting a few other pieces, are we sure there are seven days in a week? Ah well back to work, after a coffee though, cheers for now.