Still working on this one, Irish wolfhound rolling
“Guardians Of The Gate” Irish wolfhounds

Working on a pair of Irish wolfhounds, looking left and right, ideal for an entrance.

Still working on some Wolfhound sculpts, the hair work is a long process but their coming along nicely.

I’m working on a few pieces at the moment, wire frame with fibreglass sculpted shell and resin set wollen strands, its taking sometime to set all the hair but hopefully it will turn out as planned.
The Hounds.

Nearly finished my Wolfhound and Deerhound, its taken ages to put the hair on and then resin set it, all they need now is a good sanding and polish.

I’m still working on some larger sculpts at the moment, still putting hair on this deerhound, could be a lot quicker if the weather got warmer and less showers to stop my progress.
The Chasers

Working on this, the second greyhound to feature alongside the first, hopefully all will go well in casting
The Chasers

Working on this at the moment, hopefully I will have two greyhounds running side by side, “The Chasers” fingers crossed they will cast well.
Family Playtime

Clay stage of two dogs at play, that’s the rough outline done now for the detail, the fun part is trying to get the right movement and expression to the piece, hopefully I will have it cast by next week, Cheers for now.